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Background & Experience

Dr. Michelle Anderson-Draper, EdD, CE

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Michelle has been involved in engagement, adult learning, and evaluation for over 20 years. She was one of the first cohorts to receive the professional designation of credentialed evaluator from the Canadian Evaluation Society in February 2011. Her skills have ensured that research and evaluation findings contribute to providing strategic recommendations and foster organizational learning. Michelle is a teacher and a skilled presenter and holds a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.

Sean Draper

Sean brings over 25 years of experience as a Data Scientist with a focus on information management, data analysis, visual data modelling and application development.  An early adopter of technology, Sean has integrated real-time data collection and feedback tools into AndersonDraper Consulting's focus/workgroup processes, creating dynamic, participant-driven content.  Most recently, Sean has entered the data analysis, dashboarding and reporting phase of database development with Terra Centre for Pregnant and Parenting Teens.  This multi-year project has built capacity within Terra for building and managing their own database.  Sean has extensive experience in survey design across multiple platforms (, google forms, custom-built FileMaker survey tools). 

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